Sunday, December 25, 2011


Day in day out I wonder with only uncertainty around,
This year will be past and the year ahead to be found,
We are the progressive bodies blind and deaf to sound,
We don't see the poor or the poverty lurking in every town,
With the rising prices inflation for us is a celebrated noun,
This was our land of Bhagat, Sukhdev and Chandrashekhar,
But sadly their toil, sacrifice and loyalty have hardly any taker,
Characters or those who are characterless are found more,
Honesty is for sale and truth can be twisted without a roar,
To pick a common man's pocket in ways is the new game,
The players are the politicians and the referee are the lawyers,
Anna created the unrest and told us to follow the same test,
But We enjoy more Kolavari of Dhanush than Kaveri of India,
Shallow, materialistic and with stooped morals are We the people,
Only me is the motto and has left humanity in us a dying notion,
We abuse and hate poverty, unemployment and corruption,
But a step to change the same is a tough implementation,
The decorated ranks have humiliated the flag and the forces of our nation,
What more to say when 2kr is less for a filthy obnoxious Raja, a politician,
Celebrate, drink more and squander money without inhibition,
For India does shine but only with a lot less substance this time.  

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